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Simply Thankful……..
Today I awakened so thankful…for life, for my God & Savior the giver of life and for my husband and children who I love and adore and who TRULY make me feel so special:) It’s not that all is going perfect in my life right now or that I’ve achieved every goal that I desire to reach…I am just thankful to know that God is ever present and on my side. He reminded me today in some of the smallest ways just how much HE truly loves me and just how precious I am to HIM…every time HE does that, I’m often left in awe. Life can be exciting as well as challenging and difficult at times (trust me, I know)…even still, let’s make a conscious effort to remind ourselves just how truly blessed we really are. As you take each breathe today that the Lord has given you declare that you are BLESSED, meditate on how far you’ve come…how far God has brought you and be inspired to soar in all He has for you. Make 2012 a great year for you as you draw closer to the One who holds your life in the palm of His Hands.
Nothing but Love………………
Be DETERMINED to go after God’s Best For Your Life!
Pressed through the rain to get to a Kick boxing class tonight that got CANCELLED, Ugh…and was DETERMINED not to turn around and go home. Sista girl walked into a different class “Studio Cycle”…OMG, what did I get myself into, LOl!…we’re talking INTENSE. During the class, as I took deep breaths and drank from my water bottle, I had to REPEATEDLY remind myself “I CAN do all things through CHRIST who gives me strength”, lol, otherwise I would’ve gave up half way through. When it was all over, I realized it was one of the BEST work outs I’d ever experienced! Brothers and Sisters, be determined to have God’s BEST for your life…DON’T GIVE UP…even if you have to press “through the rain” and oposition to get it! EXERCISE your faith IN HIM…ENCOURAGE YOURSELF with His word, knowing He’s your strength. In the end, it will have drawn you closer to HIM and the reward of what He has in store for you will make it all worth it!